Sleep Token – Take Me Back To EdenMusic Suggestion I have traveled far beyond the path of reasonTake me back to Eden Sleep Token- Take Me Back To EdenThe mysterious British band returns with a new, structured and cohesive latest LP. Sleep Token is a band that, step by step, has made its way through the dark and decadent moors
Tag: Alternative Metal
Rammstein – ZeitMusic Suggestion The legendary German band is back with a new LP of industrial metal without putting a foot wrong. The Kaiser of industrial alternative metal Rammstein, with Zeit confirm to be a musical reference point far beyond the proposed musical genre. Their journey towards the end continues, playing and singing the decadence and sloppiness of the Western
Sleep Token – This Place Will Become Your TombMusic Suggestion The anonymous British collective Sleep Token come back with a new LP This Place Will Become Your Tomb. Compared to the previous album, Sundowning, the music production has improved a lot.The composition is much more introspective and tends to create a mood that pervades the entire album, instead of the